UCI Center for Assessment and Applied Research (CAAR)
Under the direction of Dr. Venette Van Duyn, the Center for Assessment and Applied Research (CAAR) provides campus leaders with information to support excellence in undergraduate education. As part of the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, the Center has a dual function—leading UCI through the assessment of student learning outcomes process, and conducting applied research studies on all aspects of the undergraduate experience.
The Assessment Process takes place at all levels—course, academic program, and general education—and you can get help at each step along the way to:
- Establish Student Learning Outcomes
- Gather information on student progress toward achieving the outcomes
- Use information to inform decision-making, planning, and program improvement
The Applied Research Process can involve multiple steps, and will be tailored to meet your needs to:
- Gather Data—use preexisting institutional data or collect new data by designing and administering surveys or facilitating focus groups
- Analyze Data—perform descriptive and/or inferential statistics on quantitative data and identify thematic patterns in qualitative data
- Interpret Data—explain the analysis results, and if applicable, provide a report evaluating your program or policy
To learn more, please visit our main site contact Venette Van Duyn to request services.