Get Involved

By giving of your time, talent, and treasure to your fellow Anteater community, you make a real difference to UCI.

Ways to get involved:

If you are interested in supporting student success at UCI please consider:

  • Mentoring: students need guidance in career readiness and navigating their next steps after UCI. Programs include the ANTrepreneur Center, Camuswide Honors Collegium and Student Success Initiatives.
  • Provide Internships: Does your company or a company that you know bring on student interns? You can help all students regardless of background or access to personal networks get ahead.
  • Alumni Connection: Looking to reconnect with other alumni.
  • Make a Gift
  • Corporate Engagement: To be the economic driver of our region UCI the partnership between the business community and UCI needs to be strengthened. We can help make common sense connections that benefit both our community and our students.
  • Volunteer
  • Be a Community Advocate

If you want to get involved let us know your interests below –